Available courses

Behaviour Change Essentials for GPs

This is an interactive, short course that will sharpen your engagement skills to improve the uptake of your treatment advice.

HealthChange in action!

Use this area to browse examples of real clinicians using HealthChange Methodology with real clients, view ''What NOT to do" videos and share your implementation experiences.

HealthChange® Methodology Essential Toolkit

This course will equip you with practical skills, systems and knowledge to deliver effective, time efficient person-centred care. Our unique framework provides a consistent guide to help clinicians with what to say, how to say it and when to say it in consultations to get the best results with patients.

What's involved?

You will need to spend around 2 hours a week completing online content modules and be able to attend 4, one and a half hour weekly discussion teleconferences in person. These provide an opportunity to discuss and gain clarity around how to respond to common challenging patient situations and conversations. You will have access to the online content for three months.

Why this course?

This unique training is not offered by Professional Bodies or Universities. Demonstrated results and research show HealthChange® Methodology can:

  • help make your day-to-day work easier – integrate your communication and clinical skills to work more effectively and efficiently with patients, including those with complex and chronic issues.
  • improve patient engagement and clinical outcomes – benefits reported include higher patient retention and participation rates, reduced wait lists, lower surgery deferrals due to poor patient self-management and better clinical outcomes
  • increase your confidence and skills – gain a deeper understanding of the skills you already have and learn new skills to increase your confidence and ability to manage chronic and complex patients.
  • provide a consistent way to deliver person-centred care – common language, methodology and simple tools that work across all levels – clinicians, teams, services and organisations

HealthChange® Methodology Patient Engagement Skills

This course provides a foundation from which to build your knowledge and skills to use HealthChange® Methodology. It will provide an opportunity to discuss and gain clarity around how to respond to common challenging patient situations and conversations. Benefits for participants and organisations include fewer no shows and “frequent flyer” consultations and less conversations going around in circles - leading to better time efficiency, more successful patient engagement and more effective health literacy and behaviour change. Past participants report improved client outcomes and better work satisfaction when using these skills.

Community of Practice Area

Health Professionals who have completed HealthChange Courses can view this material. Contact c.bills@healthchange.com if you would like access to this area.

HealthChange® Metholodolgy Workplace Application

This course aims to increase clinicians’ confidence and enhance their skills in embedding HealthChange® Methodology in their everyday work roles. It will refresh participants knowledge of HCM and provide a deeper understanding of how to use the tools with complex clients and situations. There will be a focus on clinical practice change and a strong emphasis on the delivery of effective health literacy and goal setting. The flexible teleconference discussions will have a strong case focus and be driven by the participants’ needs. 

Topics typically covered are:

  • Brief review of the key tools in HealthChange® Methodology
  • Case discussions
  • Participant successes and challenges in using HealthChange® Methodology at work
  • Phrasing suggestions and feedback and from their peers and HealthChange Associates facilitators

HealthChange Methodology for Managers

This short course is designed to provide Health Service Managers with:

  • A brief outline of the main tools contained in HealthChange Methodology (HCM)
  • Practical ways to support staff to further develop their skills using HCM in the workplace
  • Links to resources

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